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D ইউনিট || 2016

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it cost
it does cost
does it cost
it costs
Yakub is being very sociable today.
Yakub being very sociable today.
Yakub has been being very sociable today.
Yakub had being very sociable today.
Where did you buy that bag from ?
It takes ages to get home.
I was washing my hair when the phone rang.
The hotel were very quiet.
a flash of light
a storm
verbs, adverbs and adjectives
nouns and pronouns
verbs only
I wouldn't have gone to the university.
I would have gone to the university.
I would go to the university.
I wouldn't be going to the university.
He was in joy.
He was beside himself with joy.
He was joyous.
He was happy.
a pronoun
a noun
an adjective
an adverb
not to lose hope
not to faint
not to bleed
not to fight
He asked his son, "Don't tell a lie"
He said to his son, "Don't tell a lie"
He warned his son, "Don't tell a lie"
He rebuked his son, "Don't tell a lie"
at the friends
for the friends
his friend
to the friend
even though
in spite
Two thirds of the crops and damaged.
Two thirds of the crops are damaged.
Two thirds of the crop is damaged.
Two thirds of crop is damaged.

